Two year specialized classroom coaching for the +1 entering students exclusively for IIT. (JEE Main & Advanced)

For elite students who score above 90% in 10th standard.

Exhaustive training classes in Maths, Physics and Chemistry conducted by dedicated and well-equipped faculty.

Scientific training under the guidance of a team of IIT Alumni, now doing higher education in reputed American Universities/holding higher positions in multinational companies and R&D Labs, with problems and solutions prepared by them.

We offer " FOUNDATION COURSE FOR IIT(JEE Main & Advanced)" for students in the 8th, 9 th & 10th standards only.

The above programme does not affect the regular 8th, 9th, 10th, +1, +2 classes

Few of the Alumnus TESTIMONIALS


B.Tech IIT - Kharagpur

I am an alumnus of "DANUSH" IIT-JEE and IIT Kharagpur. Currently I am working at Invention Labs located at IITM Research Park, Chennai."DANUSH" IIT-JEE was undoubtedly where my life changed for the better. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to train in this world class institute. It was here, I realized my potential in solving problems when rote learning was the norm at school.On several occasions we had the opportunity to be trained by IITians themselves.Guidance of Mariappan sir was invaluable. He helped us get through difficult times.

At present, received an offer at based out of ITPL, Bangalore as 'AI Developer’, Planed to join shortly.


B.Tech IIT - Kharagpur, MS - Texas A&M (USA)

DANUSH IIT-JEE has a well planned program of teaching and has provided a healthy competitive environment. The course curriculum is completed well in time and we were trained with the exhaustive study material available here. It provided us with a strong foundation of the fundamentals in both math and science. The enormous amount of tests and group discussions have been of great help in clearing JEE. In addition to cracking JEE, it helped us be at par with the students from the CBSE background. The knowledge that we gained here sails with us no matter where we end up.

Earned my Masters degree in Computer Engineering from Texas A&M University (2014-2016)

I'm currently working for AMD, Boston as a Senior Design Engineer.


M.Tech IIT - Kanpur, Research Scholar IIT - Madras

DANUSH IIT JEE is where my foundation for scientific curiosity was laid systematically. It helped me gain a clear understanding of the concepts by solving lots of problems, which is essential for cracking IIT-JEE. The teachers here can help to understand the concepts but it is the student who has to utilize the world class material to prepare for IIT JEE and the environment DANUSH IIT JEE provides. The guidance, analysis and support provided by our compassionate and goal directed MD sir is unique.


B.Tech IIT - Madras (MS).,Texas A&M, USA

The classes at DANUSH IIT-JEE started with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and problem solving in maths and science. In the initial stage of preparation, solving problems was really tough and it took hours to solve a single problem. The classes were strenuous and laborious with Sundays and public holidays too as full working days and loads of assignment to complete. As time passed by, the desire and eagerness to solve difficult problems and crack JEE was forged as a habit, and I was more than willing to spend my entire day in the institute. I could see myself transformed from an average school student to an enthusiastic learner who could think logically. The institute was the birth place of my appetite to know all and learn all may it be science or other social studies. I was lucky to meet alumni from IITs during my coaching classes, as the classes taught by Dhanush Sir and Mr. Bhavani boosted my ability to understand and approach problems with diligence. Also, my seniors Mr. Malar kannan, Mrs. Priyasha, Mr. Sandesh were there to discuss and clarify our doubts. I am also thankful to all the faculty and staff Mr. Shivanathji, Mrs. Agnes, Mr. Muniappan for spending their valuable time and knowledge with us.I would really like to convey my heart-felt thanks to Mr. Mariappan and his family for being there, supporting morally and making strategies to increase our scoring ability and chances. The drive and energy with which you work and talk have kept me motivated and stay strong. I would say it was your Midas touch in my life, that has shaped me into an independent thinker. I am honoured and blessed to have been taught by you, Sir.

Now I am doing Second year, Master of Science, Department of Ocean engineering, in Texas A&M, Texas, USA.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

My four year experience in DANUSH IIT-JEE was something one should actually get in his life. After four years of my life there, it made me handle any situation with peace in mind. It helped me shape my character. Our Managing Director Mr.Mariappan gave very insightful thoughts about life and his way of analyzing things showed me a new perspective of thinking ability. One can get such academic knowledge elsewhere but the knowledge one gains apart from it through our Managing Director or faculties is inevitable. To say in short “DANUSH” IIT-JEE – a place for not only clearing JEE. I did my B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Madras. I am currently working as Examiner of Patents and Designs, O/o CGPDTM, DIPP, M/o Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India.

Mahizhvannan Elango

B.Tech IIT - Madras

I am Mahizhvannan Elango currently planning to do higher studies with a job offer in UIDAI at hand. I joined DANUSH IIT-JEE in my class X. Upto that point I was just another student dreaming of getting into Anna University after class X. I was enthralled by the atmosphere over there and the way the stuff were taught. Over time, I realized that the classes taught by the alumni and the coaching materials were not just aimed at cracking the JEE exams. The students were taught the art of problem solving. Apart from the studies, MD sir guided me well during my stressful times. He cultivated in me, the habit to look forward when things don't seem to go well. Looking back, I am grateful to MD sir for giving me the chance to write a preliminary test back in June 2010 when admission for class X were already over. I hope more students get that one opportunity that changed my life.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

Everyone will have a turning point in their life. Even I had one when I entered DANUSH IIT-JEE."I still remember the day I attended my first counseling in DANUSH IIT JEE. The counseling has already set up a curiosity in my mind to know how this is different from my school education. In no time I realised they are totally different. Our classes were mainly focused on conceptual understanding than mere problem solving. It set a strong foundation for my maths and physics knowledge, which helps me even till date. For the first time in my life I experienced a bliss in learning. They made me see education in a different perspective. Education is not about mere bookish knowledge or mugging up material and delivering them in a way to impress people and getting top grades. It is about understanding, analyzing, and right delivery. IIT preparation as everyone thinks can be stressful sometimes but here they shape the mind to happily adapt to it. Our MD was always there to guide us and to boost up our confidence. He always makes sure we don’t get depressed at any point of time. He shares his invaluable life experiences and prepares us to face the world. Besides making me strong in maths physics and chemistry, they made me understand what life really is and my role in it. It is not merely a coaching center. The kind of exposure I got here, I bet no coaching institute can offer. It is a "Gurukulum" where one can feel the blessings of a guru and a "Home" filled with love & care.

I graduated from IIT Madras in July 2017 with B.Tech in Engineering Physics. I was a research intern in Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. I am currently working as Product Engineer in STEP, a startup from the Hindu group (Chennai). I got through all this pretty easily with the strong foundation set by DANUSH IIT JEE. Hard work comes naturally for DANUSH IIT JEE Alumni. With time I realised, no matter where I go, my approach towards any problem and the kind of attitude and determination I have towards my tasks is different from the rest of my colleagues and I stand unique among them. Many thanks to DANUSH IIT JEE and Mr. Mariappan Sir to redirect my life to a phase I never dreamt of."


B.Tech IIT - Bombay

The institute has a competitive edge that some of you would crave for, if you feel like your regular syllabus is beneath you. Though it mainly focuses on Maths, Physics and Chemistry, it gives you the idea of searching for answers in everything that interests you, not just your subjects but your way of life and how to live it. The institute really cares about you and helps you all the way to the point where you can handle yourself in any situation. The Managing Director will be someone who could teach you anything and has helped me a lot. He provides counselling on a regular basis and creates and environment where you could be comfortable talking about anything that bothers you. That, in fact is something that everyone needs in their life. Those four years in this institute have taught me well enough that I can see the world for what it is and gave me an idea of what I really want to pursue in my life and give back something to the society that needs a lot of rebuilding.

I have graduated IIT Bombay and planning to pursue MBA in IIMs or B-Schools abroad.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

DANUSH IIT-JEE changed the course of my life. The way of education is excellent. We had competing atmosphere that helped us uncover our true potential.We were not only taught about the subject but also about life, The institute made us a complete man…

Part of Payload Subsystem of IITMSAT (A student satellite project by IITM) Part of Optics Group Working on Quantum Key Distribution (Unconditionally secure key transmission)


B.Tech IIT - Madras

I am P Thanushkodi and I am a final year Chemical engineering undergrad in IIT Madras. At first I like to thank our MD, Mr. Mariappan for giving proper guidance and support during my hard times while preparing for JEE and making me clear JEE. The commitment of DANUSH IIT JEE made us to clear JEE. It was a great experience in DANUSH IIT JEE , especially the classes that were taken by our alumnus. There we had a good environment that is perfect for studying. The method of learning and materials that were given to us were excellent there. The main thing that I want to highlight is here we all were given individual attention , which is not the case in other coaching centers. Our MD helped us getting away from depressions, confusions etc., and gave individual counselling when it was required. Our MD gave us the necessary motivation not just to clear IIT , but to lead a happy life. He used to give a lot of general awareness that were of great use to us. He is still guiding us. Me and my parents didn't know anything about IIT. It's our MD who showed the path to IIT. I thank them for believing and supporting me.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

My days at DANUSH IIT-JEE gave me a strong foundation with intense exploration of maths, physics and chemistry in a friendly and conducive environment for learning. The strategy here is to make everyone think independently and work on their own which is really helpful. Nevertheless, each of the counseling sessions of the MD was inspiring,packed with pivotal lessons which showed his care for the success of his students. Also,I am bound here to say the Dean(students) of IITM mentioned Mr.Dhanush (Dhanushkodi Durai) as an example in a student’s gathering under whose mentorship the institute brings out students with flying colors.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

DANUSH IIT JEE is the place where I found answers to my scientific curiosity. It is a place for those who feel regular syllabus is beneath them. It provides a competitive environment where we are encouraged to develop deep understanding and intuitions in physics and maths, and not merely mugging the formulae. The concepts are taught by our alumni who are from IITs and other prestigious institutions. The institute also makes everyone think independently and work on their own. Apart from physics. maths and chemistry, one also learns how to excel in any field they choose. The best thing about DANUSH IIT JEE is MD sir's counselings which motivates the class to aim higher and work harder. His lessons are useful not just for JEE but also for life.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

To pursue the dream of entering IIT from Tuticorin, every student and their parent’s concern is to choose a reputed coaching institution . I chose DANUSH IIT JEE and entered in my 8th standard , MD Sir’s counseling, teaching techniques and the competitive environment at the institution was exactly what i needed at that time. The potential of every student in the institute was explored and exploited. We were made to believe in ourselves rather than to rely on our trainers support. The guidance and motivation which i received from MD sir then and at times even now had shaped me into this person I'm proud to be right now. The process of self learning and interaction with our seniors and fellow classmates gave me a deep understanding of all the concepts. The numerous tests we wrote throughout the day gave me confidence to face any exam at any point of time without fear. I'm sure no other institution would provide individual attention to every student. Our MD sir prepared us to face the world by giving us his ideas and thoughts in various aspects of life and he is still lighting up the path of success for us.


B.Tech IIT - Hyderabad

Joining “DANUSH” - IIT JEE is the turning point in my life. It is the place where I learnt what life is more than Maths, physics and chemistry for cracking JEE. This institute creates a platform where one can think independently and deliver an idea at its best, which will be helpful while facing any problem in their life. I don’t have words to thank our Managing Director Mr.Mariappan who was and being the backbone in my life and many. He takes care of each and every student and counsel regularly which improves us at any depressed situation.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

I entered into DANUSH IIT-JEE in class 10th .During my initial days in the institute I was not very serious about cracking JEE and also I was a very average student during my high school. But now I can’t imagine where I would have been without the proper guidance and coaching given by the institute. I did not get a good course in my first attempt although I cleared JEE advanced. I was not sure what to do next. My parents and relatives suggested joining other colleges. I was clueless until MD sir called us for a meeting. He motivated me to give it another shot due to which I decided to sit back and prepare again. The faith that he kept in me was unbelievable. I am very glad that I landed up in IIT without making his faith go in vain. The Institute not only made me better in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry but also enriched me by teaching life values and disciplines. I learnt more general knowledge from MD sir than from GK books. It is because of this Institute I was able meet Mr.Dhanushkodi Durai sir under whose guidance the institute is functioning. He stands as a role model not only in studies but also in other walks of life. The institute gave me a healthy platform to develop my skills and a competitive atmosphere which forced me to work harder. MD sir always encouraged me to explore different things which played a vital role during my preparation days. I thank MD sir and the office staffs for being very supportive during my days in the institute.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

I’m Alexander David doing my first year B.Tech Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at IIT Madras. I joined DANUSH IIT-JEE at my ninth grade till that I was just a normal kid from Tamil Nadu State Board who thought that school and board exams were everything. Joining the institute was a turning point in my life since I felt that being a normal school kid was of no more use when compared to lakhs of aspirants who put cut throat fight to enter into IITs. The institute provides concept classes & many concept revision classes & also doubt clarification sessions which personally helped me a lot. We solved thousands of jee problems and lots of question papers during the preparations .Not only in this concern but also the institute provides mental support and guidance which no other coaching institute across India gives ,which is the counselling and guidance which I still get from MD Sir.The Advanced program which is being provided after JEE main helped me a lot and I believe thats the program which made me crack JEE Adv since the program was well designed with JEE Advanced and beyond toughness problems. The credit of me being an IITian goes solely to the institute as they proved through me that irrespective of which school board you are, anyone can be an IITian if they have the will and proper guidance and I remain ever grateful to the institute for all of it.


B.Tech IIT - Hyderabad

Do you think someone can sit in a chair for 9 hours, writing exams continuously every day?

DANUSH-IIT’ians do! DANUSH IIT-JEE taught me what commitment and patience is. The Institute makes plans for all over the year, in the beginning itself and makes alterations according to the level and interest of the students. I have written some thousands of tests in the process of being an IIT’ian. Although the Institute’s emphasis is on MPC, it also has a part in the moulding of the character of the student. Here, the students are given individual attention and they are being coached in a friendly and peaceful environment.

The Ultimate aim of the Institute is not just to make every student an IIT’ian, but something more than that. Myself, from being an Average student at School, to be an IIT’ian in the making, this is not possible without MD sir and the Institute. I feel so lucky that I had the privilege to do a proper preparation in Tuticorin itself. He gave me the confidence and made me believe that I can enter IIT. Overcoming depression during our preparation is very important. MD sir helps us by counselling us, guides us in handling stress, and shows us the right path. He also have told us many of his experiences and stuff, you can ask him anything you want, apart from MPC and JEE too. Here we have IITians taking classes for us, counselling us, sharing their experiences and so on. There were sleepless nights, staying up all night solving problems and doing practise sets. He showed us that entering IIT is just the beginning. The Journey does not end there. DANUSH IIT-JEE helped me shape my character, take decisions and handle situations independently. Without the institute, MD sir and its staffs, what I am today is not at all possible.

This is Athithiya Raj K. I studied in DANUSH IIT-JEE for 5 years (2012-2017). Now I am currently pursuing Chemical Engineering at IIT Hyderabad.


B.Tech IIT - Madras

I am Rohit Deraj. Currently doing B.Tech in IIT-Maddras."DANUSH IIT-JEE" is where I became aware of an innovative way to learn subjects, which was rarely encouraged, as to by-heart was what is usually expected of a student in schools. The four years I spent here was life-altering. The Managing director is a rare gem. He frequently counsels us making sure we remain spirited, and free from depressions. The mental fatigue during JEE preparation could give one a hard time without proper counselling. He made sure we were well informed about the day to day happenings and asked to critically analyze it too. He urged us to analyze, get creative thoughts and innovate irrespective of whatever the field maybe. This is a very difficult quality to cultivate with schools never encouraging students to ask doubts, or to think beyond books. The goal is not just to crack JEE but to lead a life totally different from the crowd, as an achiever.


B.Tech IIT - BHU

DANUSHIIT-JEE is the place where I started exploring about myself as well as the society. I started my JEE preparation from my 8th standard. Our institute has a very good environment for studying. Our MD, Mr.Mariappan was a great person who always thinks about our betterment. His regular counseling helped me a lot especially in getting out of my depression. He motivated me a lot by saying about many great persons. During my JEE preparation I suffered from many health problems but it was our MD who helped me a lot in overcoming that. Our institute conducted thousands of test in the class 12th alone which helped me to increase my problem solving speed and the most helpful program from which I learned lot of new tricks and shortcuts, was 2 to 5 hours of effective discussion with our seniors and later among ourselves. Finally with the help of my institute I am doing my B.Tech at IITBHU. Thank you sir for believing and supporting me.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy, M.S – USC Los Angeles (USA)

DANUSH IIT-JEE has been the basis of my educational achievements. It was a tough 2 years, but I gained a lot more than just bookish knowledge. My time at the institute, taught me not to be intimidated by challenges, but to give my best shot. Also, I learnt about my own strengths and capabilities, and that there is always room to grow. While the classroom helped sharpen technical aptitude, Mariappan Uncle's counseling motivated the class to aim higher and work harder.As he used to say- Learning is something you do your whole life. It is this mindset that helped me do well in everything I chose to do.

B.Tech at NIT Trichy
M.S at University of Southern California(USC) in Los Angeles
Currently working as Firmware Engineer for Intel in Longmont, CO.


B.TECH NIT - Kozhikode

I am not writing this note to testify the place that gave me wisdom to be what I am today. Instead, this is my long due note of gratitude. You'd tend to write one like that, when you realize you’ve succeeded. I'm still a young guy as I write this, who has a lot more of life left to explore and succeed much more. Yet, I am privileged to write this already now, which is simply because of the confidence and clarity in vision that was instilled in me solid, during the years 2004 - 2006. Those were the defining years of my career graph. DANUSH IIT-JEE - I still cannot nail down its category honestly. Call it one of the traditional schools - No, it's different. You'll see students working together solving problems at midnight of a weekend, with nobody around forcing them to do so. Call it one of the usual commercial tuition centres - No, it's different. An old(only by age) fatherly figure man, running it with a strong heart and clear thought, waiting till midnight every day , just to talk to each student to make sure they go home with the same energy that was there when signing in. This place was different. It wasn’t just a 2 year period learning how to just crack an entrance exam and believe that job's done. The true sense of how to approach your problems, face it, analyze it, solve it and keep moving ahead positive with a mission, with an unyielding clarity in thought - the art not just for problems on the book, but one to apply throughout life, personally and professionally. It is that attitude and character that was nurtured in me during this period, which apparently laid the platform for every success I've reaped so long and will be earning ahead. From being a middle class family boy in a town where IIT or NIT was just a dream of hope to a very few, to now leading a diverse team of technology enablers and architecting business for global organizations - I, Ramakrishnan Ponniah, being an NIT Kozhikode alumnus, take equal pride in introducing myself as an alumnus of DANUSH IIT-JEE, the game changer & architect of an invaluable solid foundation to my career.

Mariappan sir – This is way too small than what you’ve given for my career, yet with due respect, my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to you, Dhanush Anna, my four other wonderful teachers, and to our wonderful institute facility. I am proud that I was part of the 1st batch of your visionary institute ☺!

Warm regards, always your proud student,

Associate Manager – Business & Technology Integration Architecture Accenture India


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I had studied in TN State Board up to the SSLC examination. It was only because of the systematic approach to teaching, exhaustive course materials and the best faculty, Commitment of management that I went through a tremendous transformation in knowledge that helped me clear AIEEE. While studying at NIT Trichy, the DANUSH IIT JEE Preparation is helping me compete with students who had prepared from CBSE Boards. Now I am working in a multinational company with a higher position because of the strong foundation in Maths Physics chemistry got from this Institute and also from the valuable guidance’s from our MD sir.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I had this crazy love towards Maths during school days right from the young age. And I seriously believe that craziness helped me to end at DANUSH IIT JEE where I came to know that this institute was to MATH freaks not only in MATHS subject but PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY as well. Ever since then there has not been any looking back. I use to travel for 2 hours up and down during weekdays to take my classes during my first year. This travelling took a toll on me and at a point , I was very much down due to the level of stress I was taking in, but this urge towards math kept me going. But now after all these years I look back and say myself I made the right decision at the right time to Join DANUSH IIT-JEE. The level of materials we were dealing with in the Institute were so much intense and interesting that we can just breeze through the whole 11-12th School Syllabus in a week time. And yes at the initial stage during counselling itself parents were made clear that 11th and 12th standards marks were mere numbers .I still remember the dialogue Mariappan uncle our MD use to tell each parent "11th 12th marks are good for nothing but to get u sweets in front of a camera for 5 minutes and then u disappear". Such encouraging and supportive were he and his team of faculty. They have helped me to achieve such heights which 10 years back would have been only a mere dream for me. And I also happen to be a 1st Batch student for which I am proud. I really salute what out MD and team are doing in these rural areas where getting into the IIT-NIT institutions have now become a routine.10 years back it was blindly believed that people who stay only in Chennai and around can make the cut. Finally I would conclude saying that DANUSH IIT JEE will be the MIDAS, to give you that Golden touch one needs for life. Currently working as a Senior Maintenance Lead Engineer, Continental Automotives India PVT Ltd.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I joined the institute after my 10th board exams. It was a great challenge studying CBSE syllabus after completing my high school education in Tamil. But I became confident and prepared myself for the challenge after completing first two months of training during summer holidays in 2005. The training was well structured from the beginning. We had scheduled classes, continuous assignments, weekly tests from the very first week. Mariappan sir had a counseling session on every Sunday which gave me the energy and motivation to work hard to face the challenge. The two years coaching was the toughest time I faced, though happily. The programme was so demanding. We spent our entire evenings and weekends in the institute. Our classes usually go up to 11.30 pm. We even used to come to institute to read books and assignments in the early mornings. When Dhanush sir came up to take classes on Optics, we almost spent our entire week in classes and completing assignments at home. It was one of the best lectures I have attended till date. I was studying in S.A.V Hr. Sec School at the time and my school was not supportive of my coaching classes at institute and my attempt to get into IITs. I was treated awfully by School teachers. I remember some of the teachers conducted regular special classes for an hour on Saturday just to pressurize me. And I always found an excuse not to go to school on weekends. At times we were made to choose between School and our Institute. Luckily we sailed through such situations and stuck to the institute schedule. Looking back, the two years training at institute not just gave me knowledge on Mathematics and Science and admission to NIT Trichy, but shaped me as a disciplined, ambitious, hardworking and forward thinking person. It gave me the confidence to face any difficulties in life. Now wherever I go for work, I find myself better than my team mates and open to challenges, ideas & changes. I feel happy that I have undertaken the training at institute and I let the institute define me.

About MD’s guidance:

My very first interview with Mariappan Uncle indicated how tough the programme would be. We had a marathon meeting with him for 6 hours and it gave me mixed feelings. Initially it looked impossible for me to prepare successfully for IIT JEE. But Mariappan uncle motivated me to take up the challenge. And he personally encouraged me very often since I was changing my medium of education from Tamil to English. His regular counseling was so essential for me to pass through the rigorous coaching. He was uncompromising and very open about our performance. At times I was afraid to meet him after test results, but he enthused me to read and work more during every meeting. He always showed us big dreams. He wanted me to become like Einstein, Newton and revolutionize the society with scientific inventions and bring positive changes to people. He pushed me to realize my potential. It would not be possible to work up to 20 hours per day without his motivation. Thanks to Mariappan Uncle for giving us an atmosphere where we could think beyond books and learn by reasoning. We got good exposure to higher education in our institute which in otherwise not available in our part of the state. We could compete easily with the students from Metropolitan cities because of the strong foundation we built up in the institute.

Finally, DANUSH IIT-JEE gave me an opportunity to get into NITs/IITs, which was previously available only to students from Metropolitan Cities. The coaching was methodological from the very beginning with carefully chosen and well prepared study materials. Continuous classes, assignments and tests on weekly basis pushed as to work hard. Mariappan Sir had clear idea about the teaching methodologies and ways to get the best from each one of us. His counseling sessions on every Sunday motivated me to work hard and perform better in each tests. The two years coaching shaped me as who I am today. The coaching gave me the discipline and energy to compete successfully in new assignments of life.

Bharatheeraj M S,
DANUSH IIT JEE 2005-2007 batch (2nd batch)
Graduation: Instrumentation and Control Engineering, NIT Trichy. (2007-2011)
Present Company: Penspen International Limited, Abu Dhabi (Consultancy, Oil & Gas Industry)
Job Role: Instrumentation & Control Engineer (2014 to present)
My role is to perform detailed design and engineering of Refinery, Petrochemical, and pipeline projects and consultancy to clients in Middle East and Africa.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I have studied in national institute of technology Tiruchi. I passed out of nit Trichy in the year of 2013.I am currently working in Tata elxsi. JEE coaching given by the institute is very good. I got depth understanding in the fundamentals of Maths, Physics, Chemistry.The depth in fundamental was very helpful for us in engineering. This institute provided us opportunity to get into NIT. Classes were taught by IITians. I want to thank all the staff of institute for their support

ALWAR Deeptha

B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I am Alwar Deeptha, I completed my B.Tech degree (Instrumentation and Control Engineering) from NIT Trichy.An inspiring part of my life did happen in the institute "DANUSH IIT-JEE".There were lot many things learnt including discipline, punctuality but the best lesson that I learnt was self evaluation and understanding the real fact that the competition is within us in bringing the best of us and not competing with a small group of people around. I was highly motivated from each moment in the institute, be it to learn, write test, get counseling or taking classes.MD Sir has always shared with us lot many useful information in various platforms. He helped us in grooming ourselves with lot of self confidence.

In the world of people who advices by mentioning others as role models, he is a person who lives as a role model.

I was working in Australia for the period of 1 year and 3months, with the designation as System Engineer and role as Test lead or QA lead. currently I am promoted as an IT Analyst in TCS Chennai.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

First of all....I thank MD sir for giving us this institute and for the opportunity to share my thoughts on it.... I joined this institute in my 9th class where they taught me the fundamental concepts in MPC(maths,physics,chemistry) for 2 years which gave me a good understanding on the concepts and also the different ways to tackle problems within the specified time. This includes solving home assignments and a variety of problems in all three subjects. From my 11th class I was taught with in-depth concepts needed to solve problems of IIT standards....and also they provided us the best materials like Resnick Halliday Walker and HC verma for physics , RD sharma for maths, Jain book for inorganic chemistry and NCERT Books for all three subjects...despite all these.. our MD sir gave us the best motivation whenever we felt depressed by telling us real life examples about Dhanush sir(his son)which inspired me a lot and kept the fire going..... All these training along with the guidance of our MD sir not only helped me to tackle JEE problems but also the way to handle real life problems with ease....Then I got into NIT-Trichy where I did my B.Tech in Instrumentation and Control engineering and at present I'm working in a product based software company.... I thank all my faculties and friends in the institute who helped me in achieving my goal....I thank our MD sir again for making me a better person and for being the actual reason for what I'm now...

Yogesh Kumar

B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I am Yogesh kumar, currently doing my B.Tech (computer science and engineering), first year in NIT Tiruchirappalli. To the readers of this, yes this institute gave me the meaning of scientific and applied approach to education as mentioned by others , But I want to mention about somebody who can make people to do any difficult jobs ( e.g, cracking JEE ) just by his motivational speech , the managing director of this institution. It's not the institution, it's the attitude that matters and there comes attitude from that man .I am not exaggerating about him as I seen him waiting for us till 2:00 am despite his poor health condition. Believe him and follow his sayings and work hard to achieve the goal that you are craving for. Also the coaching method of this institution is good as they complete the syllabus in first two months and you can revise your concepts and practice plenty of problems for rest of time, both of these are essential in cracking exams.


B.Tech NIT - Trichy

I got admission in our institute when i was studying 10th standard. I was a below average student. At that time i was unable to compete with other students of my class. I became tired and was in no mood to continue my coaching classes. When our MD sir came to know my situation through our Senior Admin executive he personally called me and gave me counselling. He ignited a fire in me. It was the day my perspective on studies changed. From that day our MD constantly guided me with his valuable thoughts and advices. There were times when it was really hard for me to move forward. But our MD sir came along with me through my difficult times providing solutions to all my problems that I was facing right at that moment. He revealed me my potential and what I am capable of. I started to discover my strengths and my weaknesses. The most important thing that he taught was not only about studies but also about moral life values. Our institute taught me self-discipline, taught me how a systematic man will be carried to great heights and most importantly gave me the environment and freedom to think. The qualities that, I have acquired from this institute, makes me keep my head high ,walk confidently and speak boldly in many situations even when the situation is tough. I am really proud and happy to be a part of our institute. I can't imagine my life without my 3 years here in this institute. The day you changed my view on studies to the day you blessed me before facing the final exam ,sir you have been a big inspiration in my life. My life has just started and i know that i will fall many times, but sir i believe that you would be there to guide me in my journey...


B.Tech NIT - Kozhikode

My experience and qualities I have learnt in DANUSH IIT JEE helping me up-to-date. As living in tuticorin, a rural part of Tamilnadu I have never heard anything about JEE before entering our institute though I have studied in a CBSE school. The institute shown me a different world where I started to think, to question ,to interact and to enhance my problem solving skills. The classes are really interactive. The institute taught me how to interact in classes, I think this is one of the very important quality required by students now a days. I have never seen such a friendly atmosphere in schools. The test papers are standard enough, which helped me to improve my problem solving skills. Our M.D.sir, he really gave a lots of counselings for me whenever I felt depressed. He always care for us. He discuss a lot with us regarding our subjects, our strength and weak parts in subjects and also a lot apart from our subjects like society, successful people, national and international issues, history and what else.. He wants us to be aware about everything .I was fortunate to get trained in this institute. I am currently doing B.Tech., first-year in biotechnology at NIT Kozhikode.


B.Tech NIT - Jaipur

I am currently pursuing B.Tech in Metallurgical and material science engineering at NIT Jaipur. My present life situation is gifted to me by DANUSH IIT JEE. It is this place where I begin to think in different angle which an ordinary school boy cannot do so. During my foundation course I was taught about the fundamentals of Math, physics and chemistry, and the real tough years started from +1 standard. It does not matters what subject is taught but it is how a subject is being taught. According to this, the teaching method is followed in this institution. Great IIT’ians would teach the concepts in a crystal clear manner, and a lot of tests would take place which gives the practiced and fearless mind. Not only good teaching methods build a great man but also a support is required by him when he feels depressed during his preparation. This support is given by my MD sir. I thank my institution for giving me a lot of support during my JEE preparation.


B.Tech – IIST

I am AJAY SIDDARTH, and i am currently pursuing my B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering from IIST (Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology- Trivandrum), My dream is to achieve something high in the field of Space Research. Hence I have chosen IIST, though I have a option to get a seat in IIT kanpur. I was just like a normal school boy till my 10th standard but not after that. Everybody needs a platform where he realizes his true potential and for me that platform was DANUSH-IIT JEE. Whenever someone hears the word IIT JEE they get reminded of FIITJEE, Narayana and Bansal classes where guys keep studying, solving problems in fast track. But my experience as a DANUSH IIT’ian was quiet different. Of course I strived hard to crack JEE, yet the run is not over. Under the ample guidance of my MD sir, I was not only able to crack JEE but also to shape my character and attitude in the best possible way. I and my classmates were given numerous tests and and so that I was able to know myself relative to others and thus my progress towards JEE. The next major highlight is that we had our alumnus from various IITs and other national institutes to teach us the subjects and share their experience and guess what, even I was provided to teach my juniors and thus my life at DANUSH IIT JEE was a tutor cum learner experience which you won’t get in any other institutes.

Through fighting myself during my tough times and embracing myself during my joyful moments I had my MD sir along. He has counselled me in various spheres of life along with a mix of current incidents and his own experience and thus equipping me with the armour to face life, to battle it and thus encrowning me with success. Each and every meeting with my MD sir means a lot to me. I have got answers from why have we born to what is our role in life before we go to eternal sleep. Though we had classes for late hours till night with no holidays in between even on Sundays and other occasions working hard tirelessly, but what was the ultimate impact on me. It made me happy and satisfactory. This institute besides giving me coaching in MPC (Maths Physics Chemistry) it rather transformed me from a boy to a man.



The institute provided me a friendly atmosphere and gave guidance and support throughout my preparation.It differs from normal schools and institutions in the way that they take care for all the students and put efforts for their development not only in studies but also in knowing the outside world. A mere thanks is inadequate for the help and the knowledge they are transferring to younger generations.I appreciate the institute and its team for creating leaders of tomorrow. The environment is good and peaceful for students to learn comfortably.

Research Intern, CVIT,IIIT Hyderabad
Highest degree: M.E(CS), BITS Hyderabad


B.Tech - Amirta

First of all, I learnt the importance of application oriented studies after coming to our institute. The institute provides a friendly atmosphere and a space to communicate with seniors .It created the opportunity for me to open up and move forward in life. Emphasis was not only made on maths,physics,chemistry but also on moral responsibility of an individual. I am feeling glad to be a part of the institute now. I have cleared JEE Main & Advanced, but I have not got the seat in the IIT of my choice. Currently I'm doing my 3rdyear in Amrita school of engg. Because many students from Andhra Pradesh & Rajasthan those who prepared for JEE & miss the chances to enter into IIT are doing their B.Tech in the Amirta University. So I have choose Amirta University for being with the highly competitive students .

I'm currently working in Robert Bosch Engineering and Business solutions, India as associate software engineer at Coimbatore location.


B.Tech - Amirta

Hi there, this is Pon Ananth V S. I was part of DANUSH IIT-JEE for 4 years from 2009-2013 in the process of being an IITian. Though I was selected in JEE-Main, I couldn’t join IIT due to various reasons. Still I got into Amrita University as a ECE student in 2013 .I am happy to write about the institute which is very close to my heart.Firstly the atmosphere around the institute is very encouraging,helpful and peaceful which always gave me confidence to learn new things and made me feel less stress.I felt good to be in institute, where everyone around you want you to do really well in your career and always available to help you when you need them.Now, talking about studies, the things i learnt in institute can never be erased off from my memory. For this, the exams which i wrote helped me a lot. Those exams always gave importance on concepts. That made me familiar with many concepts.Conceptual learning: This is one of the strengths of people studying here. The teaching never emphasized just on problem solving. Learning concepts are made priority which helped me alot in my college studies. It is a big plus.Let me talk about the person who i am privileged to meet and talk. When i was going through tough phase, i knew he was always there to show me the way out. He is our MD sir.He helped me alot. He changed me from a unambitious boy to a man who had a purpose to live in this earth. Best thing about him which i learnt is being grounded when you are happy and being calm and patient when things didn't go your way.He also helped me in my studies. He always guided me towards the glory, those talks made me believe in me and pushed me towards the glory. You made me a strong person sir. Thank you sir for your guidance.I conclude by saying,I feel proud and happy to part of this institute which was not only helpful in studies but also life( which i felt important). Thank you in a whole for everyone who helped in my 4 years of my life in DANUSH IIT-JEE.

I am currently working as a Graduate Engineer Trainee in Ericsson India


B.Tech – Amirta

My name is Naveen Rajadurai J, I had studied in DANUSH IIT-JEE . I have cleared JEE Main but I have not cleared JEE advanced exam. Now I am studying Electronics and Communication in Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, Coimbatore. In DANUSH IIT-JEE, first I had learnt how to learn and second I had learnt how to apply the concepts I learnt. This method makes me feel different from others. The numerous tests which are kept in the institute made me confident about my strengths and weaknesses. In DANUSH IIT-JEE , MD sir counselling gave me the confidence that I can achieve something in life in addition to cracking JEE, Sir gave me personal counselling when my marks were low and also when I was depressed. Sir's counselling gave me a huge will power hidden in me, and made me to concentrate well in studying. Totally I feel very thankful to DANUSH IIT-JEE and MD sir for making me to realise the value of education.

Placed in Company, EY GDS (Not sure whether to take that offer, because placements is in progress).


B.Tech – Amirta

DANUSH IIT-JEE. The first question rised in my mind when I thought of writing this feedback is How my life would have been if not for DANUSH IIT-JEE. And the answer was not pretty. The institute changed the way I looked at things. In short I became a better person which I consider as the biggest gain I achieved from the institute. The institute provides a friendly atmosphere for everyone who craves for knowledge. Plenty of opportunities are provided to everyone to enjoy what they learn and improve their skills. The biggest advantage one gets being a student of this institute is the opportunity to interact with our MD sir. He is the one person who was always there for me at every tough phase I was going through. His counseling sessions are what everyone needs when they are dejected. They mould us as a person. I am privileged to meet him and be coached by him. These four years in the institute gave me the courage to pursue what I really want and I am grateful for that. I am Sai Kaliappan. I am currently doing my second year in B.Tech Computer Science at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,Coimbatore


B.Tech – Amirta

First of all i would like to start of by thanking the managing director of this esteem institute. Joining this institute was one of the best decisions i have taken in my life, to an extent i can say this was turning point of in my life. The best feature of this institute was the fact that students took classes for the other students which made the classes more interactive and personalize and it also helped students to overcome their stage fear. The counselling sessions held in this institute helps me to get back on track whenever I lose my way.


B.Tech – Amirta

DANUSH IIT-JEE helps you not only to learn about the subjects but also how to handle the situations you are upto in the days to come. I am glad to be part of this institute. Where it helps us to conceptually know about each subjects well. The conceptual learning given here helped me in my college days too. The enormous about of tests and discussion were been so helpful. Guidance is pretty much Important and I got that guidance from MD. Counsellings were given at regular intervals .Counsellings helped me allot so that I can feel comfortable from the one which bothered or depressed me at that time. The motivation which I get from him was so helpful.


B.Tech – Amirta

I have been a part of DANUSH-IIT JEE from my 8th grade. Those were the days when I learnt to enhance myself in my knowledge and problem solving skills. Moreover it has taught me to become punctual and changed my perspective of viewing things. MD Sir has given me a lot of advices which had helped me to boost up my self-confidence. This has become a turning point in my life. Presently, I am doing my B.Tech in Amrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham.


B.Tech – Amirta

Joining DANUSH IIT JEE is the best decision I have made till date. The institute is unique in every way imaginable. The teaching style is versatile and makes use of the most rudimentary examples to further the understanding of a concept . With DANUSH IIT JEE, you don't learn to solve the given problem, rather you learn to solve any given problem elegantly and you learn beyond what any book can provide. The course not only leaves you with a deep understanding for the subject but also a great respect for it. Moreover it makes you question everything and not let anything be taken for granted. MD sir's advice and motivation lies behind every successful mind from our institute. Difficult times arise for everyone, the confidence MD sir had in me, gave me that lift-up in every hurdle that I had to cross. I personally cherished every single second I spent in the institute and have a countless number of unforgettable memories.


B.Tech – Sastra

I started my JEE preparation right from 9th standard.The environment I was introduced to was completely different from the restricted and monotonous environment of my school.I was able to boldly bring forth my doubts and clarify them to perfection.The rigorous test schedules meant that I was able to enhance my problem solving skills exceptionally. I am using these skills even today, in my university's highly competitive scenario. I have entered in to Sastra University as per selection through my JEE Main Rank. The experiences shared by our alumni during their guest sessions tend to ignite our passions even more.The individual attention provided to each student ensures that he/she is guided in the right path, not only when it comes to higher studies but in life as well, which I have realized personally.

I have completed my 4 year B.Tech. course successfully from SASTRA University. I was selected for a job in Tata Consultancy Services(TCS) but instead I am preparing for competitive exams.


B.Tech – Sastra

First of all, I’d like to thank our MD Mr.Mariapan for letting me to gain the experience in DANUSH IIT JEE, Then I'd like to thank all my batch mates who were so kind and polite on me and also for sharing the knowledge which they possess, Then last but not least I thank a lot to all the faculties and alumni who taught us MPC and shared their experience to me. I got a maturity and experience from the surrounding environment in DANUSH IIT JEE and also by MD's Counselling. With great maturity and experience, I am having a clear vision about my future. In my batch I was the guy with least knowledge, So I always feel insecure and inferiority complex inside me was high. But, When myself surrounded by knowledgeable people I gained a lot of knowledge on daily basis which in further increases my knowledge as well. I felt that, I have learnt something new in everyday in my 12th Coaching at DANUSH IIT JEE. I couldn't make myself get in to IIT/NIT, So the next option was SASTRA/AMRITA. I chose SASTRA since it's fees structure was less compared to AMRITA. I had learnt many new things in my college life. I really thank DANUSH IIT-JEE for all these things. I am now doing my Training in TCS in Trivandrum.


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